🌎 Welcome to the World of "Relapse

🌎 Welcome to the World of "Relapse

"Relapse: The Ghosts We Can't Leave Behind" is a semi-autobiographical graphic novel centered around Drew, an aspiring musician. This tale is woven with the threads of ambition, friendship, and integrity, reflecting the emotional journey of an artist in a competitive industry.

From close friends to professional contacts, Each character and locations represent a unique aspect of his world, contributing significantly to his personal and artistic development. Drawing inspiration from the album covers of We Had Our Time, the graphic novel is as much a visual feast as it is a narrative one. It captures the essence of Drew's journey towards finding his unique voice and place.

The novel delves into the complexities of an artist’s life, exploring universal themes such as the pursuit of dreams, the bonds of friendship, and the challenges of maintaining personal aspirations in a dynamic world.

Steadfast City Civilian By DrewsThatDude

πŸŒ‡ Steadfast City

πŸŒ‡ Steadfast City