🔥 Ignisar

🔥 Ignisar

Ignisar - The Blazing Expanse
Region: Southern Hemisphere, Relapse World
Climate: Dominated by Fire and Heat
Landscape: Volcanic Ranges, Scorched Deserts, Lava Rivers

Key Features:

  • SalamandarKin: Fire-resistant beings, skilled in heat and flame manipulation, native to volcanic areas.

  • Druids: Fire magic experts, protectors of Ignisar's natural balance and fiery ecosystems.

  • Djinn: Flame-wielding ethereal entities, known for potent magic and ancient wisdom.

  • Wyvern Riders/Wyverns: Sky rulers with fire-breathing wyverns, maintaining aerial balance.

  • Orcs: Hardy and resilient, adapted to the harsh, arid conditions of Ignisar.

Culture: Adapted to extreme heat and volcanic activity; a society respecting nature's power and seeking equilibrium.
Notable: A land of fiery splendor and resilience, where survival is an art honed by its fiery inhabitants.

🌉 Ryoshen

🌉 Ryoshen

❄️ Eirnora

❄️ Eirnora