🌉 Ryoshen

🌉 Ryoshen

Ryoshen Almanac Entry: The Land of Eastern Winds

Location: Stretching from verdant valleys to rugged coastlines, Ryoshen is a land of diverse landscapes including dense forests, towering mountains, and serene rivers.

Key Features:

  • Merfolk (Azure Inhabitants): Coastal dwellers, experts in sea life and oceanic affairs.

  • Oni Tribes (Mountain Spirits): Mystical mountain inhabitants known for power and duality.

  • Kitsune (Fox Spirits): Revered shape-shifters with intelligence and magical prowess.

  • Tengu (Birdfolk): Forest and cliff guardians, skilled in wind magic and aerial combat.


  • Shadow Veil Shinobi (Ninjas): Masters of stealth and espionage, safeguarding against hidden threats.

  • Honorbound Sentinels (Samurais): Noble warriors dedicated to honor and discipline.

  • Nature's Enchanters (Herbalists): Connoisseurs of natural magic and healing, attuned to the land's secrets.

  • Forged Guardians (Golems): Protector and laborer constructs, vital to regional security and development.

  • Dragon Ascendants (Dragonkin): Dragon-bonded warriors and mystics, with unique abilities and insights.

A fusion of ancient traditions and modern influences, celebrated through festivals, martial arts tournaments, and spiritual ceremonies.

Driven by diverse activities like fishing, agriculture, mining, and artisanal crafting, connected by extensive trade routes.

Notable Locations:

  • Emerald Valley: Herbalist haven and natural wonder.

  • Crimson Peaks: Sacred Oni territory with monasteries.

  • Twilight Forest: Magical realm, home to Kitsune.

  • Azure Coast: Thriving coastal hub of Merfolk-human coexistence.

Balancing internal ideological and territorial differences, while defending against external threats like piracy and dark forces.

🔱 Orunia

🔱 Orunia

🔥 Ignisar

🔥 Ignisar